Texas Mom Exposes ‘Illegal’ Practice of ‘Common Core’ in Local School System

Back in June, Gov. Rick Perry (R), Texas, effectively signed HB462, banning the practice of CSOPE/Common Core in the Texas educational syste...

Back in June, Gov. Rick Perry (R), Texas, effectively signed HB462, banning the practice of CSOPE/Common Core in the Texas educational system, but now one local mom is speaking out.

Local resident, mother and activist, Laurie McFarling has been raising awareness about the globalized indoctrination programs for some time, in an all-out push to end the sponsored madness spewed forth by globalist entities such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Council of Governors and others such as Bill Ratliff, Microsoft lobbyist and a member of the Texas Board of Education. The fight has not been easy by any means and in many respects is being fought entirely on a local level.

McFarling has recently joined forces with other concerned moms on Facebook, Texas Against Common Core, who are now actively scouring all local Texas independent school systems for evidence of related illegal conduct which some feel is Hitlerian in nature. ”Most of us who lived through this Hitler era remember how British Prime Minister Chamberlain gushed how great Hitler’s Youth Corps was, much like those who support Common Core today”, Donald Conkey of the Cherokee Tribune wrote.

Make no mistake the way Common Core is set up, it will allow the government to literally regulate history, inserting and/or pulling bits of information from the curriculum at anytime McFarling explained in a phone interview with Intellihub staff, going on to make a point to mention how they are now teaching “revised history” in Texas schools. She said that “a simple Google search proves it”, referring to her child’s local school district.

Despite the government’s propaganda and the programs enormous budget made up of U.S. taxpayer dollars, it has been blocked in Texas by the efforts of good people like McFarling. However, now the question is: will the law be enforced?

From Intellihub


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