Local Detroit Newscast Downplays Chemtrails as Conspiracy

In a recent disinformation piece televised by Detroit News Channel 7, meteorologist Chris Edward reported, “Like an Etch-A-Sketch in the sky...

In a recent disinformation piece televised by Detroit News Channel 7, meteorologist Chris Edward reported, “Like an Etch-A-Sketch in the sky, aircraft have been leaving their mark at high altitudes for more than 60-years now”, in a failed attempt to debunk that “chemtrails” actually exist. Edward continued on in his report to knock Dane Wigington’s extensive research on chemtrails which Wigington says contain “aluminum, barium and strontium”.

A few minutes into the newscast reporter Chris Edward took the slanted investigation even further, submitting an Air Force explanation as admissible evidence. The explanation given by Lt. Col. Allen Heritage reads, “The Air Force is not conducting any weather modification experiments are programs at this time and has no plans to do so in the future. The military has done small-scale weather modification in the distant past and there’s increasing discussion in the climate science world about engineering ideas to be considered”.

The very same report that Edward submitted to debunk chemtrails, actually admits weather modification in the past.

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