Bizarre Christian Exorcisms Cast Out Muslim Devils

Possessed Egyptian Muslims are turning to Coptic priests to expel their demons the old-fashioned way—through the power of Christ It’s 6 p.m....

Possessed Egyptian Muslims are turning to Coptic priests to expel their demons the old-fashioned way—through the power of Christ

It’s 6 p.m. in Cairo’s Garbage City slum, and hundreds of people have gathered outside St. Sama’an Cathedral for the evening service. The crowd, which has been building for hours, is waiting patiently for Father Sama’an Ibrahim, the famous Coptic priest and founder of the church. It’s Thursday, which as everyone in Garbage City knows, is exorcism night.

The majority of the people gathered in this packed courtyard are not actually Christian. They’re Muslims who have come in the hopes that Father Sama’an can expel their demons. Groups of women in hijabs huddle together in silence, and every 30 minutes or so, a minibus arrives bearing more pilgrims. As darkness approaches, you can feel the anticipation in the air. One woman lets out a bloodcurdling scream, and two of her friends rush over to quiet her down.

Everyone here seems to have a story or two to tell of Father Sama’an’s divine connection. Local businessman Edhim says Father Sama’an resurrected him when he was 8 years old; Naroz, 62, who works in another Garbage City church, claims to have seen Father Sama’an breathe life back into a woman who was crushed by a stone. Hundreds more have tales to share about minor infirmities that were healed through his supernatural powers, and it drives people to the church week in and week out.

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